Vanity Wagon Logo

Vanity Wagon

Who We Are — Vanity Wagon

Who is Vanity Wagon?

We are hard on our brands - some may say, in our endeavour to find you the right products for your body. Vanity Wagon believes in sustainable beauty and stands firm in its mission to educate the audience and deliver what’s best for them in the long run. We make skimming through and finding the finest natural & organic products for your skin and hair a cakewalk for the users. Is a conscious concept that is here to stay. It is a demand from our common home; Earth. To be approved by Vanity, the products have to be luxurious, safe and effective. It is a sample collection of the 9 unisex perfumes we offer, in 3ml mini-vials. Our revolutionary lightweight Get Glazed lip gloss is a dreamy formula.

Gurugram, India

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 2018

Products & services of Vanity Wagon

Product Buy Sanfe Bamboo Sanitary Day Pads — Vanity Wagon image


Buy Sanfe Bamboo Sanitary Day Pads — Vanity Wagon

DESCRIPTION Sanfe Rash Free Bamboo Sanitary Pads are eco-friendly and free of any harmful chemicals, ingredients, and fragrances. Chemically laced sanitary napkin can cause severe damage to your intimate area in the long run that’s why Sanfe has introduced an extensive range of organic sanitary pads for women to mainta

Product Buy Rustic Art Patchouli Soap — Vanity Wagon image


Buy Rustic Art Patchouli Soap — Vanity Wagon

DESCRIPTION New year, new me, literally! Patchouli helps in skin regeneration. It de-odorizes body odor with an earthly fragrance. It's anti fungal and anti inflammatory. Linseed oil balances the skin's oil and reduce any inflammation, promoting skin repair. Cedarwood helps to heal small cuts, wounds and is extremely c

Product Buy Nourish Mantra Exfoliating Serum — Vanity Wagon image


Buy Nourish Mantra Exfoliating Serum — Vanity Wagon

DESCRIPTION Give your skin a natural glow with an Exfoliating Serum that is an exotic blend of natural fruit extracts and best-in-class Hydroxy acids. A one-stop solution with AHAs including Lactic acid, Gluconic acid and Salicylic acid along with natural ingredients such as Papaya Extract and Lemon Juice. This lightwe

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Consumer Goods
Commerce and Shopping

Contact of Vanity Wagon

City: Gurugram

State: Haryana

Country: India

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Vanity Wagon

The company Vanity Wagon is located in Gurugram, Haryana, India. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Vanity Wagon has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

Vanity Wagon was founded in 2018

The company Vanity Wagon has it's main focus in the industries of Consumer Goods, Commerce and Shopping